Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gold Class Brendan

Terracotta warriors
Terracotta Warriors on the march in Sydney (Chinese New Year, 2007)

I just arrived home from seeing "The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" in Gold Class comfort.

Luckily I left my brain at the door and, although I almost blissed out, and off to oblivion, during the endless, supposedly-climactic battle - Zombie Army w/ O'Connell Family vs Resurrected Terracotta Warriors - I must say that Brendan Fraser is always fun in every film he does.

I guess it was timely to have a Chinese-themed "Mummy" sequel to follow on the coattails of the Beijing Olympic Games, but I certainly can't think of the Terracotta Warriors in the same way again. Especially after seeing the costumed Warriors in the city earlier this year (see above).

The film was certainly fun, but nowhere near as fun-and-suspense as the first movie. I'm afraid I don't remember too much about #2; mainly that The Rock was in it - and his Scorpion King spun off into its own sequel (which I never got around to seeing). A good movie to see in Gold Class - and congrats to Greater Union for the delicious rocket and parmesan salad with fetta-stuffed peppers. And the lemon/lime tart. Yummo.

And Darren - thanks for eating all those Magnum ice creams during the last week so we could get in cheaply! Very Magnum-imous of you!

Brendan's having a good few months at the moment. The 3D adventure, "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is forthcoming - I assume a loose remake of previous versions and a connection with Jules Verne's original novel? (Ah, IMDb says that the new characters use the old novel as a guidebook for their mission.)

Looking forward to that one!

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