Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The power of 365 Photos

As regular readers know, a few weeks ago, I happened across two different references to a blogging project that was called "365 Photos". The concept is to use a digital camera to create one photograph per day, using an almost-impromptu, aim-and-shoot technique. Some days, one finds oneself putting a lot of thought into a photo, or at least the subject matter. Other days, a surprise opportunity just presents itself. And other times, it might reach 11.58 pm before one realises that the day has almost slipped by without a suitable photo opportunity. The family dog is useful for such moments of panic (even if he's asleep).

I've been uploading the resultant shots to my Flickr account, and assembling them as a cumulative "set". This also means that I can create a slideshow, as I did earlier today, by requesting an automatically-generated URL from Flickr. eg:


The slideshow presentation will get longer and longer as time goes on, of course. And there is an option to display captions - or not.

Although I'm doing this as a personal blogging exercise - and it has certainly ensured that I have no shortage of things to talk about - I'm beginning to realise there are endless ways to adapt this project for use with a class of school students. Not to mention the potential for using it to discuss visual literacy with them!

Today I also found a great online explanation of "365 Photos" here, and even the reflections of its first advocate, one Taylor McKnight.

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